Gospel, Inspiration, leadership, Uncategorized, Vision

Maximizing Your 2016!

Welcome to 2016! 

Despite everything that has happened, it’s a Brand New Day! New Years is always exciting and special for me because it forces me to embark upon new challenges, ideas and strategies. Although I’m a stickler for goal setting, I know how painful it feels to look in the mirror after all the resolutions you’ve set and see that the weight didn’t drop, the money was still spent and some of the ideas didn’t come through. We all know how crazy it is to feel disappointed! 

Nevertheless, you still have to pick up the pieces and keep on fighting! Some things take longer to do and require extended timelines and won’t always be accomplished in a year. Therefore, I believe that in order to maximize your 2016, it’s better to be strategic than to allow things to just fall into place. We all will  live our lives by default or design. Once we become intentional then we will see results! Here are a few things to consider in order to maximize your New Year: 

1. What do you SEE? Vision is absolutely essential to sustain anything you intend on accomplishing. Do you have a Vision for your life? What is your intended destination? Have you done an internal audit? Oftentimes we’re still trying to complete goals that are totally irrelevant to our present season. Have you dusted off your old dreams and looked over your past mistakes??? What does success look like now for you?? Please be realistic. Some things require our due diligence to look at certain areas in our lives to determine, am I fruitful? In order to maximize your 2016, you must have a Vision for your Life! Vision trumps everything! It sets direction, builds consistency and establishes boundaries. A person with vision is arrested by it and establishes discipline to accomplish its agenda. 

2. How are your relationships? As a pastor, I’m frequented with Prayer Requests. When I took time to read through some recently, I noticed a pattern. Most of them dealt with either Relationship issues (Husband/Wife/Son/Daughter), Health issues or Money issues. Think about that. Relationships, Health and Finances. It then became apparent to me that if I tackle these issues we would see more people become at peace in their lives! Sooo what’s your vision for your relationships this year? Is your parent still alive? How many dates are you taking them on this year? How often will you call your aunt who is widowed to check on her? How often will take your children to do something new and experience it with them? If your married, when’s the last time you took a vacation to somewhere different? Or, went to a new Restaraunt? What about that sibling who doesn’t talk to anybody? What do you SEE in your relationships? Do you have a prayer list for your family and friends? Let’s not get too crazy with cutting people off this year and learn how to COMMUNICATE with the people that God sends us! A good friend of mines once told me, “God blesses us with some people and challenges us with others.” Are you throwing away a healthy challenge? Build your Relational Capacity this Year!

3. Do you have a vision for your Personal Development? What are you doing to ENHANCE YOU this Year?! How is this Year REALLY going to be different? What are the Top 3 books you will dissect in 2016? Last year, I read over 125 books. However, this year I’m going to read far fewer books but spend more time DISSECTING them. Skimming isn’t reading! You have to develop the discipline to extract principles and make them applicable to your life! What about your health? Your finances? A vision for your personal development is MAJOR because you’re able to track exactly how you made progress. For example, every 90 days I review, discern and check my steps. I’ve been doing this consistently the last 6 years. I’ve been journaling consistently the last 11 years. I document everything! I once read in a book that this is what separates the wealthy from those less affluent. Noted author and coach Keith Cameron Smith once said that the very poor think day to day, poor think week to week, middle class think month to month, rich think year to year, and the very rich decade to decade. Do you have a vision for your personal development???

In essence, I hope that this Year brings great favor and great lessons. Things happen. It won’t happen overnight but if you take these steps I guarantee that your year will be much sharper because of your consistency. And as I’ve said for the last few year, Stop making RESOLUTIONS and start a REVOLUTION

Take some time and craft a Vision for Your Life, a Vision for Your Relationships and a Vision for Your Personal Development. 

Happy New Year! Want to download the Vision Worksheet! Visit http://www.dasherron365.com (http://www.dasherron365.com/). 

It’ll be uploaded later today! Stay in touch! I’d be happy to serve you! 

D. A. Sherron is the founder and senior pastor of Global Fire International, and the convener of the Global Alliance in Brooklyn, New York. His messages are broadcasted weekly with a digital audience of over 75,000. A bridge builder, his ministry blends theology, history, and technology into a creative Kingdom enterprise. He recently his new book, Color Outside The Lines this Winter. For more information, visit http://www.dasherron365.com (http://www.dasherron365.com/). 

Gospel, Justice, leadership, Uncategorized

Is There Not A Cause? 

“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”    -Amos 5:24 

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Everywhere we look, we are haunted by the news of a grieving mother, another fearful city, and a wave of protestors. If we close our eyes, you’d think we’ve turned back to the 1960s, when solidarity was strong, and the push for legislation of the mistreatment of Blacks was evident. 
However, trial after trial, case after case, it’s starting to become a trend, “Not Guilty!”, self defense, or something else is uttered that frustrates all of us who know that another life is going onto a growing list that won’t be defended. Just as the Early Church had Fox Book of Martyrs, the shedding of innocent blood continues to grow from the atrocious acts of lynching to the current murders in our cities. All of this has caused me to ponder: Are young Black men today becoming an endangered species? 
As a Millennial and the grandson of sharecroppers, I cannot forget the stories I’ve heard growing up of Jim Crow and the hideous crimes that were imposed upon an oppressed people. Several of my ancestors were murdered without any trial or even the appearance of Justice. Instead they received the verdict of, “Just Us”, an indictment by a powerful elite which dominated the racist power structure typified in American society. However, I NEVER would’ve thought growing up that every other week my phone would buzz with breaking news of another Black man being killed. The headlines, the news reels, and the protests are becoming so normal it’s as if we’re all becoming desensitized. 
While I don’t have any answers, I do have lots of questions. What will it take for everyone who sees this victimization to finally be honest and speak up about it? I shutter to think that if the faces of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Gardner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, and Mario Woods were much lighter, would the verdict have been different? Would legislation be enacted? Would the narrative change and would we even be antagonistic to such a plea like Black Lives Matter? I hasten to be seen as an antagonist but I’m really sitting and watching all of these headlines and as a prophetic voice for my generation, when I hear candidates like Donald Trump emphasize, “All Lives Matter,” I have to seriously ask, “Do they, really?” If this was your son or daughter what would this verdict look like? Would the narrative of the conversation change, or would there be a hunt to incarcerate the perpetrators? Would your family receive justice and true remuneration for its series of unfortunate events? 

Just as the Prophets of the Old Testament, I feel a resurgence within me to ask the question, “Is there not a Cause?” Our streets are too full of protests, something must be done before total chaos ensues! Just like the late Dr. William Augustus Jones lamented in his sermon from Amos, Responsible Preaching, WE must Raise our Voices Now!!!!! Yes I agree that All Lives Matter but not at the expense of totally disintegrating the social angst of a marginalized and oppressed people. Instead, this is a time where we must sit, strategize, and communicate on how to address a problem that clearly isn’t going away… 
This Christmas, while I was eating dinner with family and friends, I was also thinking about ALL of the mothers who lost their sons this year due to brutality. I’ll be thinking about my life and how anyone who lives in an urban community can be labeled “dangerous.” I’ve lived in Brownsville, Brooklyn my entire life. I attended public school and even stayed home for College and now I am pursuing a Masters degree while still living in Brownsville! Does that make me lucky? No. It just means that there are still good things that come out of Nazareth. And just like Phillip told Nathaniel, I tell all of you, “Come and see…” (John 1:46). 

All of us aren’t what it appears to be and its time for those who aren’t to speak up for those who can’t. 
Have a Prosperous New Year! 

D. A. Sherron is the founder and senior pastor of Global Fire International, and the convener of the Global Alliance in Brooklyn, New York. His messages are broadcasted weekly with a digital audience of over 75,000. A bridge builder, his ministry blends theology, history, and technology into a creative Kingdom enterprise. He recently his new book, Color Outside The Lines this Winter. For more information, visit http://www.dasherron365.com (http://www.dasherron365.com/). 

Gospel, Inspiration, leadership, Vision

The Force of Love 

  This weekend, as we commemorate Father’s Day, it is indeed bittersweet. All week long, our nation has gone through a roller coaster of emotions. From the sound of celebration and frustration during the NBA Finals, to the horror, despair and fear from Charleston, all in less than 48 hours. 
We have been through so much in the last year, yet the question remains, “Where do we go from here?”
As I prepare to mount the pulpit tomorrow, my heart is riddled with so much anguish. So many are wounded, afraid and grieved at our current events. Every Friday evening at our church we gather corporately for a time of prayer, exhortation and testimonies. Last night was different. Before we did anything, I opened the floor for anyone who wanted to share about how they’ve felt concerning the tragedy that occurred this week. What began as a small discussion erupted into a flood of heartfelt and raw emotions, indicative that as a people, the wounds of racism, terrorism, and even persecution have resurfaced. In Kenya, we have several pastors connected to us. A few months ago, there was a shooting at a Christian school in Kenya which killed over 150 students. I’ll never forget the day one of the pastors called me crying and I couldn’t help but weep, trying to comfort as best I could. 

Little did I know that a crisis was coming so close to home. We have seen a lot in the last year, from Ferguson, to Eric Gardner, to Freddie Gray and countless others but this brings another degree of fear: the church. 

As a fifth generation African American preacher, the Church means everything to me. I’ve been in church my entire life, and have been preaching since a toddler, yet the horror of someone coming into a bible study or a prayer meeting with that intention is troubling. Similar to Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, I’ve done everything in ministry at a significantly younger age than most of my peers. This also caused me to be reflective, realizing that life is short, and we are here on assignment. I’m in awe of how God used him so strongly in a short span of 41 years. His legacy speaks a volume of words. In our context, bible study gatherings are significantly smaller than Sunday services and give people a chance to share and bond with each other. This was a time of fellowship, and it was interrupted by a strand of bullets. 

Looking ahead, my heart grieves for the Emmanuel AME Church, and the families all affected by this tragedy. There is a spirit of murder, anger, and rage that has escalated in recent times and it has reawakened our nation to the challenges that exist for public safety, prejudice and racism. It is also a clarion call for us to prayer. All week long, Psalm 91:1 has been my comfort and shield. We cannot and must not allow the seeds of hatred to cause us to build walls against each other and not bridges.  

In closing, I recently watched a movie in my seminary class called, *“Romero.”* It’s a powerful film chronicling the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero who was killed inside of his cathedral for boldly coming against the government for mass genocide in their nation. It’s been 35 years since his assassination and yet his words speak more relevant today than ever before: 

“For the church, the many abuses of human life, liberty, and dignity are a heartfelt suffering. As holy defender of God’s rights and of his images, the church must cry out. It takes as spittle in its face, as lashes on its back, as the cross in its passion, all that human beings suffer, even though they be unbelievers. They suffer as God’s images. There is no dichotomy between man and God’s image. Whoever tortures a human being, whoever abuses a human being, whoever outrages a human being abuses God’s image, and the church takes as its own that cross, that martyrdom.” -Oscar A. Romero, The Violence of Love

May we lift up our Crosses and boldly proclaim the Gospel to a world that is hurting, afraid, and wearied. This is a time for us to **LOVE** boldly, unapologetically, and forcefully
Tomorrow, I pray that on Fathers Day, we are reminded of the love of our Heavenly Father and how he is with us through it all. 

P. S. Last week, I shared a message entitled Unashamed

Expect Greater! 
D. A. Sherron

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Inspiration, leadership, Uncategorized

From Tragedy to Triumph: 24 Lessons I’ve Learned in the Past 24 Months 

“It takes a long time to grow young.”
~ Pablo Picasso

Today is my Birthday! 
I am ABSOLUTELY blown away by the things God has done, is doing, and shall do in my life. 

This morning, I woke up with so much peace. I’m humbled to serve so many every day. Life is an adventure, everyday is a new destination, we grow moment by moment and step by step. As I get older, I’ve come to appreciate growing up here the adage,* “Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.”* 
Every year, I reboot and I look over my life, personal dreams, goals, and aspirations. I look over projects or future ideas for the ministry, and I even re-evaluate my effectiveness. The paradox of social media is that we’re always busy, although it doesn’t mean that we’re effective. Therefore, at least once a month, every quarter, six months and a year, I do some hard reflection and ask tough questions. 

This week, I was privileged to sit in a lecture with Dr. A. R. Bernard. After the lecture, I had a chance to ask him a few questions privately. He is a Sage, and one of the main things he shared was, “Always define what success looks like for you. Think longevity. As you do, you’ll redefine it as you grow.” There was a lot more shared but that nugget forced me to think deeply. As a millennial, I echo the existential argument of my generation, “What is real? Does what I do matter?” Although I am a pastor and a student, I always return to this question every year on June 5. Does what I’m doing right now really matter? It is the desire for meaning that strikes all of us who seek to better our world. 

This last year has been a time of revolution, upheaval, and transition. We’ve seen Ferguson, Eric Gardner, Freddie Gray, the tragic departure of Myles Munroe, the swift passing of the legendary Andrae Crouch, and then during Passion Week the lives of modern day heroes Robert Schuller, William Bonner and Gardner Taylor. Think about it. All of that in less than 365 days! This has caused me to search deeply, to discern next steps and how I can serve my generation and other young African American men like me who exist to make a difference. 
Granted, I don’t have answers but I am asking a lot of questions. Questions that I believe will transform my life, ministry and the mandate God has given me. These last two years have tested me in ways I didn’t even think was possible. But God has been faithful, providing every single step of the way. So I’m humbled to know that I’m starting all over again, learning, studying, praying and searching for solutions to society’s greatest ills. 
In closing, I decided to include 24 lessons that have guided me these 24 months. Although these nuggets may seem elementary, they’ve helped me navigate the sifting tide around me. I’ve come to rely and pursue wisdom and it has served me well. I hope some of these nuggets touch you like they have me. 
24 Principles on My 24th Birthday
1. The world is BIGGER than your Box. EXPOSURE is KEY! 
2. The Box is an illusion and when stuck in one refer to rule 1.

3. Every new environment has its own rules: written and unwritten.

4. Just because someone says they’re happy to see you, doesn’t mean they are. DISCERNMENT

5. Be confident in who you are. Your identity is firmly rooted in Christ, not your reputation. 

6. Everyone who says they’re your friend is not your friend.

7. Sometimes those closest to you will not get it until they see it. Stay FOCUSED.

8. Your World is your Classroom. Every person has a lesson. Pay attention to them, and learn the lesson. Listen! 

9. People need to know you care more than anything else. Show Compassion. 

10. Your LIFE is the greatest sermon others will see. Make mistakes but do what’s right. Character. 

11. Learn. Unlearn. Relearn. 

12. There will be haters but don’t bark back. 

13. Read voraciously. Ignorance is a sin in a culture of information.

14. Your sermon is finished once you sit down. Go back to the drawing board. DILIGENCE 

15. Prayer is your lifeline. You’re an Intercessor first. Model it. 

16. Live simply, so that others can simply live. 

17. Be You and be proud of it.

18. “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few and let those few be well tried before giving them your confidence.” -George Washington 

19. Tears isn’t weakness its humanity and mourn with those that mourn.

20. People fear what they don’t understand. Don’t question your calling because they’re confused!

21. Three things destroy a preacher: Power, Money and Sex. Know your vices and be careful.

22. It’s all about the Kingdom. You’re called to BUILD Bridges, not Walls. 

23. You’re young and got a lot ahead. Don’t trip if it doesn’t go as planned. 

24. Always stay humble! Humpty Dumpty fell because his head got too big!

Which ones touched you? Share it with me. You have any others? Let’s create a conversation. 

  Expect Greater! 
D. A. Sherron 

Pastor. Entreprenuer. Artist. 

http://www.dasherron365.com (http://www.dasherron365.com/

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Here’s one of our recent messages that blessed me! https://youtu.be/tGRFdDflaBI

Gospel, Inspiration, leadership

The Tipping Point 

“History is a vision of God’s creation on the move.” 
-Arnold J. Toynbee

Although I have not written anything recently, my mind has not been able to settle recalling the most recent events. Whenever we are on the verge of a tipping point, there are key indicators that will give credence to it. It is obvious that in the Body of Christ, a Changing of the Guards is in full effect, and I mourn with the rest of the world and my emerging colleagues when thinking about these iconic generals. Who would have thought that during Passion Week, Robert Schuller, William Bonner, and the “Dean of Preachers”, Gardner C. Taylor would all transition? When I received the news yesterday, my heart was broken, tears streaming down my eyes, because I’m very concerned about where we are headed. 

Unbenowst to some, the Church particularly in the United States is at a crossroads. Many are wrestling to define where we stand and how we navigate the cascade of a changing culture. Dr. Taylor represents the age of an era, a pastor-scholar, whose eloquence and brilliance is so desperately needed today more than ever. One might think that in today’s world with new technology, MegaChurches, and Reality TV, we have advanced and no longer need to hear the words of this Gospel General. 

However, I would argue that today, we need his wisdom, insight, and intelligence more now than ever! There is an entire new generation arising with no reference to scholarship, exegesis, and sound doctrine. Our messages today are no longer thought provoking and sometimes lack the depth that he so graciously employed. He wooed Blacks and Whites, with an academic rigor and political finesse.

I was blessed to hear him preach twice in person. First, at the banquet for the late and great Rev. Dr. William Augustus Jones retirement banquet. I had to be about 13 or 14, and my Grandfather allowed me the opportunity to attend with him. When Dr. Taylor began to preach, I was mesmerized and said to myself, “One day, I pray I can talk like that.” I also heard him again at Dr. Jones funeral. I keep a repository of great preachers and still look at some of the notes I have from the Hampton lectures that he taught. Dr. Taylor’s legacy shines BRIGHTER and BOLDER than ever before and I pray that as emerging voices prepare to take their place, we do not forget the Christological emphasis he labored for.

I also pause to think about the impact and influence of Dr. Robert Schuller. I would watch the, “Hour of Power” broadcast with my grandparents and night and marvel at the sheer size and beauty of the majestic Crystal Cathedral. His messages were encouraging and simple, he gave people hope and inspired millions. He was also innovative, treading new territory that churches back then did not dare tred. He created the idea of having churches in movie theaters and was a pioneer in the Church Growth Movement. He played a pivotal role in helping to birth the seeker friendly model, and inspiring powerful leaders like John Maxwell, Rick Warren, and Bill Hybels. His emphasis on church growth was also a great aid and support to COGIC Presiding Bishop, Charles Blake. Although that Cathedral no longer bears his mark, his trademark humor and wisdom teaches us lessons on how to touch people right where they are.

Nevertheless, I hasten to close and also honor Bishop William Bonner, a herald of holiness. Bishop Bonner was a general in the Apostolic-Pentecostal tradition. His messages were lively, anointed, and powerful. He built very strong ministries throughout the United States, and leveraged the power of media to further the ministry. His denomination, COOLJC, has given rise to many great leaders, including musical genius, Bishop Hezekiah Walker.

In essence, all of these come from very different traditions. But one thing is sure: they served WELL. Sleep on Generals. Take your rest. I look to see you on in the morning.

To those of us who remain and are apart of a new generation, let’s honor their sacrifice, remember their cause, and faithfully serve our Generation WELL.

Expecting Greater!
D. A. Sherron
P. S. Send me your favorite   clips, links and articles about any of these great men!


What’s Love Got to Do With It?

I write this missive with a bit of trepidation and much reflection.

So many of us are bombarded by the constant social media buzz of relationships, couples, sex, and promiscuity. A random look on Instagram will show you that our social media profiles at times are a way for a new generation to, “keep up with the Joneses.” In our attempt to be innovative, strategic, and “cool”, we’ve almost alleviated genuine covenant, loyalty, and the essence of true love: SACRIFICE.

I confess to be somewhat of a bibliophile, and as a result, I read voraciously. Growing up I always had a fascination with words. I would listen to orators, watch documentaries, and even try to imitate my heroes. What I have found is that the English language is relatively paralyzed when trying to depict certain emotions.

When I say I love you. In English, it can be taken in a multiplicity of ways. The way I love my friends are totally different from how I love people I’ve recently begun to know. How a husband loves his wife is different than how he loves someone he works with. Therefore, English can be difficult in articulating your innermost feelings.

Love, at its core is broken down into (3) words in the original Greek:

Eros, which is erotic; the love you have for your spouse; significant other.

Philia, the love you have for a friend; or someone close to you. It is both descriptive and prescriptive.

Agape; the love that only God can give; it is unconditional, supernatural, selfless, and sensitive to those you’re in covenant community with. Agape is the ultimate love!

Sooo why is there s proliferation of just one kind of love on Valentine’s Day?

Why is there such dread and depression, hopelessness and despair?

Have we settled for a cultural hermeneutic that only causes us to fixate on shallow, erotic imaginations?

What ever happened to getting to know someone for who they are, besides just their sex appeal, finesse, or social status?

Where has that good ole fashioned ride or die love gone?

My assignment in writing this missive today is really to CHALLENGE rather than ENTERTAIN.

On almost every secular outlet, all we see today is the mass proliferation of sex, sex, sex. Fifty Shades of Grey is proof that sex sells! But is manipulation and control true love?

Ladies, whether you have a “Valentine” or not, LOVE YOURSELF. When you Love You Better, it makes anything that comes your way BETTER.

I used to be upset as a teenager watching my peers have cards and gifts and would think because I didn’t have anyone special, I wasn’t special. That is a lie and a deception at its best.

As I close this post, remember this: Don’t do for one day what you won’t do for a lifetime! Love wins! And while cuddling is cute, and chocolates taste nice, don’t allow one day to diminish your value, self worth, and calling.

The greatest love is Agape. It’s what Christ gave us on the Cross and as one of our sister churches says, “It’s a Love that ENDURES, EMPOWERS, and INCREASES.”

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

From the cradle to the grave, never forget that you are loved because He first loved you.

Happy Valentines!
So eat a cookie, watch a movie or go out, but NEVER forget the gift YOU are!

Expecting Greater!

D. A. Sherron

Gospel, Inspiration

Stepping into the WILD…


What an incredible year it has been.

For many, like myself, this year has felt like an emotional roller coaster. Honestly, there are times when I feel like this year was literally 3 or 4 years wrapped up in one. It was full of adventure, frustration, and even times of isolation, BUT God has been faithful.

Every year, I spend the last 2 days in private prayer, seclusion and review. I write voraciously and go through my journals, prayer notebooks, and papers rummaging through ideas, prayers, and anecdotes. As I’ve been praying, I’m fully convinced that we are on pressing into an new epoch season. At Global, we’ve already declared this new year as The Year of Acceleration. Highlighting several significant words: Revelation. Reformation. Transformation.

[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, (‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ AMP)

As I’ve alluded to my message on this past Sunday, (you can watch it by clicking here), this is a moment where the mysteries of God are being unfolded and revealed. It requires a people who are diligent, disciplined, and faithful to embrace the fullness of God’s promises.

My prayer as we prepare for The Crossover, is that we release the baggage of yesterday, negativity, and toxic relationships. Let go of all those hurts and disappointments and prepare for the NEW.

2015 is the year 5775 in the Hebrew. It means Ayin, which speaks of Vision, and Hey, which speaks of Windows. In this season, God is opening up the windows of Heaven and pouring out fresh strategies, ideas and technologies. Do not worry if you are confused about your present state, walk in absolute faith and trust that all will be revealed.

Beloved, I pray that these next 48 hours will be refreshing. Prepare your heart and get ready to embark upon a new season of ACCELERATION. I’m excited about what’s about to come!

Join me tomorrow night if you’re in NYC and online if you’re not. I believe God has a lot to say about the days ahead and I’m excited!

Happy New Years Eve Eve!!!

P. S. Here’s the link again to Sunday’s message. I’m certain it will bless you! http://youtu.be/QlpUUF89fiE


Welcome to The Global Report

Hey everyone!

I’ve been pondering a lot about the new year we are about to enter and I’ve decided to start a new project.

The Global Report will be a new project featured with posts, videos, and newsletters discussing relevant ideas, situations, and issues that are happening around us. Many people have been asking about my musings concerning the Ferguson indictment, Eric Garner case, and even the recent tragedy of police deaths in my hometown of Brooklyn, New York. I am particularly excited because this kind of medium affords me the opportunity to share a unique perspective of intellect, innovation, and thought leadership that is essential to sustain any movement.

Unlike the previous decades before us, social media has created the opportunity to have a conversation with anyone, anywhere. We have become a global village, filled with partners and friends from various continents around the world. Although this affords us a myriad of options, it also forces us to think strategically considering that our words hold a lot more value. No movement is sustained without diligent preparation: goals, objectives, and strategy. My assignment is to provide a few nuggets that will ignite conversation and foster dialogue amongst those in my diverse tribes, as a pastor, entrepreneur, grad student, and of course, an African-American. Today’s society must not only see OUTRAGE or RALLIES but rigorous planning to create solutions that affect our community spiritually, economically, politically, and socially.

I trust and pray that as we prepare for 2015, this year would be a year of ACCELERATION. A time of learning, study, growth, and surprises. So as the Prophet Isaiah admonishes us, “Come, let us reason together.”

Welcome to the “New” Normal.

Inspiration, leadership, Vision

Soo, What Did You Learn This Summer?

“No man is your enemy. No man is your friend. Every man is your teacher.” Unknown

Last week, as I was preparing for bed one of my friends called and said he was by my house. Never being one to miss an opportunity, I quickly ran outside to chat with him and what was supposed to be a quick conversation, ended up being a two-hour power discussion. I must honestly say he is one of the most brilliant people I know and I count it an honor to have such a connection. Amidst talking about wisdom, leadership, business and much more, he asked me a question that left me stunned. “Soo, what all did you learn this summer?” Paralyzed, it began to make me stop and recount all of the things that were happening and I’ve spent time since then to really pause and think about it.

This summer has been an eye opener for me and I’ve learned so much from a myriad of different places. My Grandpa would always tell me as a boy, “Son, your City is a University. Everyday, take a class.” Papa was right again, and here are just a few thoughts I’d like to share, I’ll finish them later:

1. Wisdom Flows in Circles. Find them!
Every Summer, I attend an Intensive at Yale University. These two days always leave me stretched and asking questions that I would never normally ask. Oftentimes, we make the mistake of learning only in our environment. Being a big fish in a small pond is NOT a compliment!
Takeaway: Find a group of individuals in your industry or profession where you feel like a child again. Allow their advice to transform you and birth creative impulses.

2. Your ATTITUDE is your greatest ASSET.
This summer, I was invited to join a think tank with a small group of thought leaders. Every week, we schedule time to share ideas on how we will change the world. I cannot even describe how my hope and passion has been changed by sitting with these men. Takeaway: Small is the new big and you cannot succeed without a small group of trusted peers. Attitude determines altitude!

3. Love Always Wins!
If you love someone, show it!
I spent a lot of time showing the ones closest to me how much I’m grateful for them. Even the members of our church know that I am not ashamed to go to extreme heights to show how much I care!
Takeaway: Never be afraid to show the one who has captured your heart that they mean the world to you.

4. Follow the still, small voice.
Last weekend, I had plans to go to a major gathering outside of the City. However, as time drew closer, I felt the pull to get away and be alone with God in the mountains. It was one of the best decisions I made all summer. Being alone gave me clarity for the future, bonding time with my brother and connected me with new ministry partnerships in Africa and the Caribbean!
Takeaway: Be open. Be flexible. Don’t afraid to take a risk. Try it!

5. Honor Always Pays Off!
Many of you know that I lost my Grandfather this year and it is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding times of my life. Yesterday, I joined with the masses in celebrating the life of Mother Alease Hilliard-Chapman, the beloved mother of Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. It was one of the most beautiful services I have ever attended.
During the service, we all watched in tears as she had special never seen before footage of counsel and wisdom only to be shared at her funeral. She spoke so highly of her son and his leadership. I pray one day while I’m still well alive, people will speak that well of me!
Takeaway: When we honor out parents, grandparents, it creates dividends we would’ve never had before that.

I dedicate this post to my family, both physical and spiritual, my new friends that I’ve gained along the way and to the ones who help me every day.

Soo, what did you learn this summer?

