Gospel, Inspiration, leadership

The Tipping Point 

“History is a vision of God’s creation on the move.” 
-Arnold J. Toynbee

Although I have not written anything recently, my mind has not been able to settle recalling the most recent events. Whenever we are on the verge of a tipping point, there are key indicators that will give credence to it. It is obvious that in the Body of Christ, a Changing of the Guards is in full effect, and I mourn with the rest of the world and my emerging colleagues when thinking about these iconic generals. Who would have thought that during Passion Week, Robert Schuller, William Bonner, and the “Dean of Preachers”, Gardner C. Taylor would all transition? When I received the news yesterday, my heart was broken, tears streaming down my eyes, because I’m very concerned about where we are headed. 

Unbenowst to some, the Church particularly in the United States is at a crossroads. Many are wrestling to define where we stand and how we navigate the cascade of a changing culture. Dr. Taylor represents the age of an era, a pastor-scholar, whose eloquence and brilliance is so desperately needed today more than ever. One might think that in today’s world with new technology, MegaChurches, and Reality TV, we have advanced and no longer need to hear the words of this Gospel General. 

However, I would argue that today, we need his wisdom, insight, and intelligence more now than ever! There is an entire new generation arising with no reference to scholarship, exegesis, and sound doctrine. Our messages today are no longer thought provoking and sometimes lack the depth that he so graciously employed. He wooed Blacks and Whites, with an academic rigor and political finesse.

I was blessed to hear him preach twice in person. First, at the banquet for the late and great Rev. Dr. William Augustus Jones retirement banquet. I had to be about 13 or 14, and my Grandfather allowed me the opportunity to attend with him. When Dr. Taylor began to preach, I was mesmerized and said to myself, “One day, I pray I can talk like that.” I also heard him again at Dr. Jones funeral. I keep a repository of great preachers and still look at some of the notes I have from the Hampton lectures that he taught. Dr. Taylor’s legacy shines BRIGHTER and BOLDER than ever before and I pray that as emerging voices prepare to take their place, we do not forget the Christological emphasis he labored for.

I also pause to think about the impact and influence of Dr. Robert Schuller. I would watch the, “Hour of Power” broadcast with my grandparents and night and marvel at the sheer size and beauty of the majestic Crystal Cathedral. His messages were encouraging and simple, he gave people hope and inspired millions. He was also innovative, treading new territory that churches back then did not dare tred. He created the idea of having churches in movie theaters and was a pioneer in the Church Growth Movement. He played a pivotal role in helping to birth the seeker friendly model, and inspiring powerful leaders like John Maxwell, Rick Warren, and Bill Hybels. His emphasis on church growth was also a great aid and support to COGIC Presiding Bishop, Charles Blake. Although that Cathedral no longer bears his mark, his trademark humor and wisdom teaches us lessons on how to touch people right where they are.

Nevertheless, I hasten to close and also honor Bishop William Bonner, a herald of holiness. Bishop Bonner was a general in the Apostolic-Pentecostal tradition. His messages were lively, anointed, and powerful. He built very strong ministries throughout the United States, and leveraged the power of media to further the ministry. His denomination, COOLJC, has given rise to many great leaders, including musical genius, Bishop Hezekiah Walker.

In essence, all of these come from very different traditions. But one thing is sure: they served WELL. Sleep on Generals. Take your rest. I look to see you on in the morning.

To those of us who remain and are apart of a new generation, let’s honor their sacrifice, remember their cause, and faithfully serve our Generation WELL.

Expecting Greater!
D. A. Sherron
P. S. Send me your favorite   clips, links and articles about any of these great men!

Gospel, Inspiration

Stepping into the WILD…


What an incredible year it has been.

For many, like myself, this year has felt like an emotional roller coaster. Honestly, there are times when I feel like this year was literally 3 or 4 years wrapped up in one. It was full of adventure, frustration, and even times of isolation, BUT God has been faithful.

Every year, I spend the last 2 days in private prayer, seclusion and review. I write voraciously and go through my journals, prayer notebooks, and papers rummaging through ideas, prayers, and anecdotes. As I’ve been praying, I’m fully convinced that we are on pressing into an new epoch season. At Global, we’ve already declared this new year as The Year of Acceleration. Highlighting several significant words: Revelation. Reformation. Transformation.

[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, (‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ AMP)

As I’ve alluded to my message on this past Sunday, (you can watch it by clicking here), this is a moment where the mysteries of God are being unfolded and revealed. It requires a people who are diligent, disciplined, and faithful to embrace the fullness of God’s promises.

My prayer as we prepare for The Crossover, is that we release the baggage of yesterday, negativity, and toxic relationships. Let go of all those hurts and disappointments and prepare for the NEW.

2015 is the year 5775 in the Hebrew. It means Ayin, which speaks of Vision, and Hey, which speaks of Windows. In this season, God is opening up the windows of Heaven and pouring out fresh strategies, ideas and technologies. Do not worry if you are confused about your present state, walk in absolute faith and trust that all will be revealed.

Beloved, I pray that these next 48 hours will be refreshing. Prepare your heart and get ready to embark upon a new season of ACCELERATION. I’m excited about what’s about to come!

Join me tomorrow night if you’re in NYC and online if you’re not. I believe God has a lot to say about the days ahead and I’m excited!

Happy New Years Eve Eve!!!

P. S. Here’s the link again to Sunday’s message. I’m certain it will bless you! http://youtu.be/QlpUUF89fiE


Welcome to The Global Report

Hey everyone!

I’ve been pondering a lot about the new year we are about to enter and I’ve decided to start a new project.

The Global Report will be a new project featured with posts, videos, and newsletters discussing relevant ideas, situations, and issues that are happening around us. Many people have been asking about my musings concerning the Ferguson indictment, Eric Garner case, and even the recent tragedy of police deaths in my hometown of Brooklyn, New York. I am particularly excited because this kind of medium affords me the opportunity to share a unique perspective of intellect, innovation, and thought leadership that is essential to sustain any movement.

Unlike the previous decades before us, social media has created the opportunity to have a conversation with anyone, anywhere. We have become a global village, filled with partners and friends from various continents around the world. Although this affords us a myriad of options, it also forces us to think strategically considering that our words hold a lot more value. No movement is sustained without diligent preparation: goals, objectives, and strategy. My assignment is to provide a few nuggets that will ignite conversation and foster dialogue amongst those in my diverse tribes, as a pastor, entrepreneur, grad student, and of course, an African-American. Today’s society must not only see OUTRAGE or RALLIES but rigorous planning to create solutions that affect our community spiritually, economically, politically, and socially.

I trust and pray that as we prepare for 2015, this year would be a year of ACCELERATION. A time of learning, study, growth, and surprises. So as the Prophet Isaiah admonishes us, “Come, let us reason together.”

Welcome to the “New” Normal.

Inspiration, leadership, Vision

Soo, What Did You Learn This Summer?

“No man is your enemy. No man is your friend. Every man is your teacher.” Unknown

Last week, as I was preparing for bed one of my friends called and said he was by my house. Never being one to miss an opportunity, I quickly ran outside to chat with him and what was supposed to be a quick conversation, ended up being a two-hour power discussion. I must honestly say he is one of the most brilliant people I know and I count it an honor to have such a connection. Amidst talking about wisdom, leadership, business and much more, he asked me a question that left me stunned. “Soo, what all did you learn this summer?” Paralyzed, it began to make me stop and recount all of the things that were happening and I’ve spent time since then to really pause and think about it.

This summer has been an eye opener for me and I’ve learned so much from a myriad of different places. My Grandpa would always tell me as a boy, “Son, your City is a University. Everyday, take a class.” Papa was right again, and here are just a few thoughts I’d like to share, I’ll finish them later:

1. Wisdom Flows in Circles. Find them!
Every Summer, I attend an Intensive at Yale University. These two days always leave me stretched and asking questions that I would never normally ask. Oftentimes, we make the mistake of learning only in our environment. Being a big fish in a small pond is NOT a compliment!
Takeaway: Find a group of individuals in your industry or profession where you feel like a child again. Allow their advice to transform you and birth creative impulses.

2. Your ATTITUDE is your greatest ASSET.
This summer, I was invited to join a think tank with a small group of thought leaders. Every week, we schedule time to share ideas on how we will change the world. I cannot even describe how my hope and passion has been changed by sitting with these men. Takeaway: Small is the new big and you cannot succeed without a small group of trusted peers. Attitude determines altitude!

3. Love Always Wins!
If you love someone, show it!
I spent a lot of time showing the ones closest to me how much I’m grateful for them. Even the members of our church know that I am not ashamed to go to extreme heights to show how much I care!
Takeaway: Never be afraid to show the one who has captured your heart that they mean the world to you.

4. Follow the still, small voice.
Last weekend, I had plans to go to a major gathering outside of the City. However, as time drew closer, I felt the pull to get away and be alone with God in the mountains. It was one of the best decisions I made all summer. Being alone gave me clarity for the future, bonding time with my brother and connected me with new ministry partnerships in Africa and the Caribbean!
Takeaway: Be open. Be flexible. Don’t afraid to take a risk. Try it!

5. Honor Always Pays Off!
Many of you know that I lost my Grandfather this year and it is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding times of my life. Yesterday, I joined with the masses in celebrating the life of Mother Alease Hilliard-Chapman, the beloved mother of Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. It was one of the most beautiful services I have ever attended.
During the service, we all watched in tears as she had special never seen before footage of counsel and wisdom only to be shared at her funeral. She spoke so highly of her son and his leadership. I pray one day while I’m still well alive, people will speak that well of me!
Takeaway: When we honor out parents, grandparents, it creates dividends we would’ve never had before that.

I dedicate this post to my family, both physical and spiritual, my new friends that I’ve gained along the way and to the ones who help me every day.

Soo, what did you learn this summer?


Gospel, Inspiration, leadership

The Great Escape

Hey everyone! I haven’t been writing much this week and I really do miss it. This week I was on pause, taking time for rest and my family. Ever since my grandfathers recent passing, there have been a small group of senior leaders who have been giving me sound counsel. I cannot even describe the magnitude that these men have made on my life. One of them is Archbishop Roy E. Brown, one of the greatest treasures in New York City. He and my grandfather were friends for many years and he is a trusted source of inspiration and guidance in my life.

Last night, during his annual Holy Convocation he invited Pastor Jackie McCollough to preach. Her message was life changing. I honestly can attest it’s one of the greatest messages I’ve heard this year. Not in terms or oratorical finesse or Pentecostal antics, but it was a sound, clear word from God. It’s very rare in these times to hear a message that challenges you and brings conviction. I left service last night, praying and just seeking the Lord for his direction. I was in tears. It was a wake up call and just served as a subtle reminder of how serious I take my sacred calling.

I took copious notes and will share a few tidbits with you that touched me last night. Her subject was, “The Great Escape”, II Peter 2:1-4. Trust me, these nuggets will change your life forever:

1. I’m not trying to be a STAR but a SERVANT!
Stop looking like you need someone to discover you! You’ve already been discovered in Christ.

2. We live in a postmodern culture where FAITH is based off FEELINGS. But don’t give up on ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Learn to search the scriptures and defend the faith!

3. The Epistle of Peter reminds us that we have a PRECIOUS FAITH. This is the Noun form of faith, not the Verb form faith. The Precious faith Peter speaks of is in HIM, not in IT! Never let material things take away your faith in Christ. Christ is your everything!

4. The 21st Century Church must re-evaluate itself. Evaluate the value of what you have! We’re so hungry for opportunities, that we don’t realize we’re embracing heresy!

5. Today for many its not about the LIFE, it’s about the SKILL! We can perform very well but we have no character.

These are just some of the things shared last night. I close with this point to ponder: What is your motive? The infamous Olivia Pope from the hit show, “SCANDALl”, would ask, “What’s your End Game?” Are we leaders building a foundation on ourselves or are we building it on the one who sent us?

I hope that these nuggets challenge you like they have me. At the end of the day, I don’t care about crowds, cash or who gets the credit, I want to be a servant of God and others. Let your life be an example to others so that they know what you truly stand for. If the world sees genuine people, the imposter won’t stand a chance!

Make today your masterpiece.

Expect Greater!

P.S. You can view my tweets from last night on my Twitter feed, @dasherronmin. Look up #PAII #HolyConvocation.

Inspiration, leadership

The Cost of Success

Success is often missed by some because its dressed in overalls and disguised as hardwork.

-Thomas Edison

Two nights ago, my Mom and I went grocery shopping. I’m actually not much of a shopper but I looked forward to buying some fresh fruits, veggies and other items. After we finished, I started unloading our cart to ring up the purchases. Because of so many items on sale, we brought in bulk to cut expenses.

After we brought everything, I was totally stunned as there were all these groceries with none of them put into shopping bags. So quickly I ran and began packing. As a thinker, I asked the cashier where have all the baggers gone? She shrugged her shoulders and kept on moving. I was extremely disappointed. Brothers, we have got to do better. I remember growing up and seeing tons of young boys packing bags and fighting to ride the carts to the cars. I remember having to take my Grandpa’s change and give it to the best one and leaving feeling accomplished.

I guess what I’m asking is what ever happened to work ethic? Why is it that these young men can pop out babies and have no sufficient means to be a father, a role model? Where have our standards gone? Leo Ioccoca, a former CEO of GM once wrote a book that changed my life, “Where Have All the Leaders Gone?” Today, as a resident of an emerging urban community I ask the same question. Everyone is complaining about a lack of opportunities but we fail to see the most common needs. One of my ministers is currently building a fantastic marketing company in several states. He commonly calls me to check-in and I’m often baffled by his interviewees. People will start for a few weeks or days and then QUIT. Why is that? What happened to hard work?

I pastor a local church with a mixed congregation of African-American, Caribbean and Hispanic parishioners. Majority of our church are first generation Americans or migrants from the South. We also have a few that came here from other countries. I’ve seen work ethic, discipline and even hunger exhibited by their families. But for some reason quite a few young men today are shirking their responsibilities.

I am blessed to be a full-time pastor and student, but ask anyone and they’ll tell you I spend hours putting together messages, counseling, helping others and giving. Nothing I ever do is EASY. I spend on average 15-20 hours for just message prep and listen to myself constantly to refine so that my listeners are able to grasp the concepts. I spend hours in prayer for other pastors and churches, because I believe in the power of the local church. What am I saying? Anything that is worth your time, talent and treasure COSTS something.

As a kid, I’d hear old folk sing, “Count up all the costs it takes to follow Jesus.” Success costs something. Until you’re willing to pay the price, your life will never change. So brothers and sisters I challenge you to pay the price of greatness. It’s worth the journey.
Trust me! Will it be hard? Yes.
But don’t stop moving.

Make today your masterpiece.
Expect Greater!

Gospel, Inspiration

A Message for Weary Souls

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. (Galatians 6:9 AMP)

This week, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and standing still. It’s very challenging in a fast paced culture to PAUSE. But these words from Apostle Paul have been stirring on me heavy this week. Anyone that does anything, whether it’s preaching, business, motivating speaking, coaching, knows that weariness does come!!! It might not be intentional, but sooner or later you will get weary. You will get TIRED. I used to think in my naïveté that tiredness was a curse. Now, as the demands on me intensify I see it as a blessing.

Apostle Paul writes these words to remind them that God does have a due season for all seeds that we plant. Sometimes it looks like what we’ve been believing for doesn’t seem like it’s coming, but these words warm our hearts to know that in due time, we shall REAP. My Grandfather was a sharecropper from rural Alabama. He’d often tell me stories about how my Great Grandfather would grow certain crops in certain seasons. Very few, if any, could be grown all year round. The ones that came during the season, were always the best because they yielded a demand. There is a demand for every seed you’ve sown. If you’re just patient, you will reap a harvest that your eyes can’t currently imagine.

So, what do we do while waiting for our seeds to grow?
1. Refuse to become discouraged.
Allow yourself the room and space to endure when the going gets tough.
2. Determine to keep faith alive and active.
Keep speaking life over those areas and watering the seeds.
3. Give and keep on giving!
Keep on sowing. You can never out give God. Keep on loving. A harvest is coming! Continue in an attitude of expectancy.

Today I encourage you: KEEP MOVING.

Make today your Masterpiece.
Expect Greater!


Hello Fear!

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the future of technology. We have so much at our fingertips. It’s almost impossible to keep up. I’ve been reading a book by a friend I met that launched a movement in California, Dale Stephens. He is a renaissance thinker and his book, “Hacking Your Education“, has really been speaking to me. His DIY (Do-It-Yourself) tactics on learning have sparked a curiosity in me that I cannot even explain.

Ever since I brought my MacBook, I’ve been like a child, learning all over again. I have a passion for BIG ideas. They motivate, encourage me and stimulate me. Ideas are the currency of the earth. One thing that I’ve noticed though is that it takes time to learn new things.
While it is exciting, it is also frightening. But as you embrace your fears, you’ll feel motivated to make changes.

In closing, here’s a quote that challenges me:

“The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those that can read or write. But those that cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

-Alvin Toffler

Embrace your fear.
Unbridle your passion.

Make today your masterpiece.

Expect Greater!

Gospel, Inspiration

Back to the Future!

Last night, I was invited as a guest speaker for a church that was 84 years old. Although I normally do research to find out about a church before I attend, this time was different. I figured I’d go and be surprised. Unlike most of my engagements, I accepted this one because a dear friend of mines helps them and by virtue of our relationship it was only right to return the favor.

When I arrived, I was shocked at what I saw. Although the building was established many years ago, the music and the upkeep of facilities was incredibly modern! From the monitors and sound, it was a great experience. I was raised in various church traditions and at times I still enjoy Hymns. What intrigued was that the Youth choirs were singing the hymns with such fervor and passion. The pastor and I had a great opportunity to chat throughout the service and they were very receptive to my message.

Here’s my point. NEVER judge a place by just what you SEE. It is exciting to see the only remaining Pilgrim Holiness Church in New York City, standing STRONG and RELEVANT in times of change. It was humbling to see so many older saints pushing the next generation. The pastor was in his mid-70s and shared with me that his prayer is to serve this generation by encouraging them to love God and each other.

I learned a great deal last night about LEGACY and LOYALTY, and LOVE. In closing, the highlight of my night was the sermonic hymn, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” You know, I am a 21st Century leader but there’s some things we can’t forget. In a culture that seeks to edify and exult itself, I left last night remembering that Christ is my foundation! The Kingdom of God CANNOT be advanced without a firm understanding of Christ and the powerful redemptive work of the Gospel. In the words of Bishop B. Courtney McBath that I heard yesterday, “A Church without a Cross, is no Church at all.” Lets be relevant, lets be radical, but lets also remember the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

Make today your masterpiece.

Expect Greater!

